- If you cannot complete your eligibility/benefits inquiry online, please contact us at 800-842-5975.
- Please note that the CareFirst systems are experiencing a delay in updating information for your account. The IT teams are actively working on resolving, and will update this message once resolved. Your patience is appreciated.
Medical Policy
The online Medical Policy Reference Manual contains approved medical policies and operating procedures for all products offered by CareFirst.
Medical policies, which are based on the most current research available at the time of policy development, state whether a medical technology, procedure, drug or device is:
- experimental/investigational
- cosmetic
- medically necessary
Operating procedures provide specific benefit information and/or instructions.
Medicare Medical Policy Guidelines
For Medicare Advantage plans, the guidelines describe when certain medical services are considered medically necessary and are based on Original Medicare National Coverage Determinations (NCD's) and Local Coverage Determinations (LCD's) when available. Where no NCDs or LCDs exist, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Medicare Advantage will apply industry standard and CareFirst medical policies.
For further information regarding Medicare NCDs and LCDs, refer to the CMS Medicare Coverage database (MCD).
Medical Policy Updates
Select the PDF below to review changes to our medical policy. To view changes prior to April 2023, refer to our BlueLink newsletter archives.