Colleague, do you know where to send your appeals

Colleague, learn more about submitting an appeal

August 25, 2017 -

What is an appeal?

An appeal is a formal written request to the plan for reconsideration of a medical or contractual adverse decision and must be submitted on the provider’s letterhead. Do not use a Provider Inquiry Resolution Form (PIRF) for submitting an appeal.

Appeals should be sent to the following address:

Professional Providers
Mail Administrator
P.O. Box 14114

Lexington, KY 40512-4114

Institutional Providers
Clinical Appeals and Analysis Unit (CAU)
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
P.O. Box 17636

Baltimore, MD 21298

Submit medical documentation to assist with the appeal

For more information visit the Inquiries and Appeals section of the CareFirst website.