We’re Improving Provider Portal (CareFirst Direct) security. Read this to know what to expect when the changes go live

November 18, 2016 -

Improving Account Security & User Experience
Provider Portal Updates Are Coming...

Hi Colleague:

You care about keeping your account and patient information secure, and so do we.

That is why in the coming months, within the Provider Portal (CareFirst Direct), we are:

  • enhancing security features,
  • adding more self-service options, and
  • personalizing your user experience

so that you can access the information you need, more securely.

What can you expect?

No action is needed right now. However, when these security features are implemented, you will complete a one-time account update where you will be asked to provide a unique email address for your User ID (if you perform work for multiple Tax IDs you can use the same email address for each of your User IDs).

At that time, we will provide you with more information including User Guides, FAQs and other resources to make these changes as seamless as possible for you.