Update Your Practice Info

Keep your Provider and Practitioner Directory Information Accurate

The CareFirst Provider Directory is the single most used resource available to our CareFirst members. It is where they go to find a doctor to meet their healthcare needs. It is important to you and your patients (future and current) your information in our directory is accurate. If not, patients get very frustrated trying to find a doctor in their time of need.

CareFirst has a self-service tool within the Provider Portal (CareFirst Direct) that allows you to quickly update and/or attest to your provider and practitioner information.

IMPORTANT: CareFirst's self-service tool is not integrated with CAQH ProView. Federal law requires providers in our Commercial and Medicare Advantage networks to attest/update their data every 90 days with CareFirst directly.

To utilize this tool, here is what you need:

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Register to Access our Provider Portal (CareFirst Direct)
This is where you will go to update and attest your provider directory information. Refer to this user guide for step-by-step instructions.

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Obtain Demographic Information Access
To make updates to your directory information, you need 'Demographic Information' access within the provider portal. These updates could include changes to Name, Address, Specialty, Phone number, etc.

  • If you need 'Demographic Information' access, please review the Updating Your Profile user guide for instructions on how to verify and request access from your Portal Administrator.
  • If your practice/facility does not have an active Portal Administrator, contact the Help Desk at 877-526-8390 for assistance. This access is crucial to ensuring your practice/facility can approve user access requests, complete required user access reviews, set up new users, and terminate user access as appropriate. Portal Administrators can access this resource for assistance managing user access requests.
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How Do I Update and Attest?
Review this user guide for step-by-step instructions on how to update and/or attest to your information.

Institutional/Ancillary Providers

Please visit carefirst.com/institutionalcredentialing to learn more about credentialing.

Please update your provider information any time it changes (or at least once a year) within the Provider Portal (CareFirst Direct) or via a Change in Provider Information – Institutional/Ancillary form.