- If you cannot complete your eligibility/benefits inquiry online, please contact us at 800-842-5975.
Our Diverse Portfolio
We believe that your ZIP code shouldn't determine how long or how well you live. Unfortunately, for many, it does. We offer affordable and accessible health plans and products. And we do that through provider partnerships with leading regional health systems and excellent customer service for all.
Meet the companies and products providing services to members, businesses and communities to better serve you throughout your health journey:
CareFirst Administrators (CFA) is the only third-party administrator in Maryland, D.C. and Northern Virginia providing flexibility and superior service, through the most trusted name in healthcare—locally through CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, and nationally through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
Founded in 2017, Healthworx is the corporate venture, corporate development and commercialization arm of CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Healthworx enables CareFirst to work with pioneering healthcare companies to bring breakthrough technologies to its members and communities. Through these strategic investments and partnerships, Healthworx furthers CareFirst’s mission to improve healthcare quality, increase access to care and reduce costs for its stakeholders.